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Work Stress

Members of the South Asian community work in many different careers including hotel, motel, retail business management, the healthcare field and the finance/business field. Our work ethic is to do the best job we can but that often comes at a cost to family life and even our own health. Work responsibilities and time commitments become so demanding that conflicts may occur in marriages and parenting as well create medical issues such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, digestive problems, anxiety and depression.

Schedule a consultation and lets talk about your work stress.

You may have just arrived from your South Asian country of origin. There’s a difference in your accent and communication skills, the way you dress, and the food you eat in the lunch room. Your co-workers may not be friendly and open to learning more about you. People are often afraid of the unknown. It's not your responsibility to educate the people around you but it helps to be curious and open-minded which helps them to be curious and open-minded too. It takes time and patience but make sure you are advocating for yourself in your work environment. You have a role and you and your values deserve respect as you fulfill this role!

Sometimes, you are often single-handedly managing young children, jumping on work calls to different countries, completing household chores and barely getting any sleep! Then there is pressure to meet the company's expectations to ensure your visas will processed. Years go by working 12-14 hour days!

This is also stress! When you are taking on this challenge yourself- it's not easy- and that's where psychotherapy can help you! Developing communication and boundary-setting skills will help you thrive in your family and new work environment!

Does that sound like you?

Schedule a consultation and let's talk!

Do you take insurance?

Private Self-Pay Options 

Please remember that insurance companies are permitted to audit therapy notes and therefore can have access to your information. When you privately pay for your sessions, HIPAA policies will protect your private healthinformation being accessed by any other third party.

Cash, Zelle, HSA and Credit/Debit Cards are accepted. Please go to Self Pay Fees and Packages for more information.

In-network and Out of Network Insurance Options 

Please go to Using Insurance Benefits for information on how to use your in-network and out-of-network benefits

More questions?

Schedule a consultation and let's talk!