Nimisha Patel provides psychotherapy and nutrition therapy to adults struggling with anxiety, depression, and emotional eating. Services are offered in office in Allen, Texas and virtually throughout Texas.
About Your Food and Mood Therapist
You're not alone!
During sessions, many patients share their struggles with their food, mood, and weight. They believe they are the only ones with this struggle and feel so relieved when I share that I have heard similar stories from other patients. They have been so filled with guilt and shame around their relationship with food and weight that they hide wrappers, secretively eat when family or roommates are not around, and eat in the parking lot of a grocery store or fast food restaurant.
Yes, it's not just you- others do it too!
Like you, they have focused on controlling their weight through food and exercise but cannot maintain the changes long-term. They may have had parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, and other school kids judge and tease them about their weight. They often know their struggles with moods, families, work etc but focusing on food and eating is easier. They have always used this same approach and will repeat it again! Losing weight, regaining weight, and each time gaining more fat weight. Sound familiar? Are you hearing your story in theirs?
Learn more about how the Food and Mood Freedom approach can help you!
What's Unique about Working with a Food and Mood Therapist?
It’s important to understand that the root causes of your struggles with anxiety, depression, and emotional eating are complex and require specialized treatment. These root causes can include:
- Poor blood sugar control
- Hormonal imbalances due to aging and stress
- Need for comfort, for reward, or to express emotions
- Poor anxiety and depression
- Difficulty digesting, absorbing, and using nutrients from food
- Stresses related to health, finances, academics, careers, or relationships
- Past and present emotional and physical trauma
What works for “everyone else” may not work for you- what you need is unique to you and your path to Food and Mood Freedom.
If you are ready to let go of dieting and get down to the root causes of your struggles with mood, brain health, digestive health, and/or emotional eating call me for a consultation!
"Remember the changes you make will need to be enjoyable, acceptable, and sustainable!"
Learn more about how the Food and Mood Freedom approach can help you!
Who am I?
It's important that you have a positive, meaningful relationship with the professional you choose to work with. My journey as a Food and Mood Therapist has evolved over 30 years. For me, food is not the only way to nourish our bodies. Our bodies, minds, and souls can be nourished in many other ways.
Yes, I had my own digestive health issues and have experienced those peri-menopausal symptoms that many of you are familiar with! That’s why I offer Biome Fx testing to assess your digestive health and DUTCH testing to assess your hormonal health. These can be used by men and women.
I now practice psychotherapy and nutrition therapy in my Allen, TX office, and virtually throughout Texas. The personalized nutrition sessions in your home at the grocery store, and your favorite restaurants will help us dig deeper and identify your fears, obstacles, and thoughts that are barriers to making paced and meaningful changes. I currently live in Plano Texas, and I enjoy Country Western and West Coast Swing dancing, as well as listening, and dancing to my favorite tunes from the 70s and 80s any opportunity I get!
Learn more about how the Food and Mood Freedom approach can help you.
I am here for you.
My journey as a Food and Mood Therapist started as an Eating Disorders dietitian almost 30 years ago. After becoming a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, I have offered nutrition therapy and/or psychotherapy to individuals struggling with a variety of Eating Disorders. I discovered that the unique needs of adults struggling with chronic dieting and emotional eating like binge and compulsive eating were often overlooked and neglected.
Finally, after going through my health issues, I saw my role as Food and Mood therapist expand to look further at brain, hormonal, and digestive health along with mindful eating. I now practice psychotherapy and integrate functional nutrition interventions into my nutrition therapy.